Meet Baker …
Imagine being birthed for a purpose, and if you failed your task, your value was voided. Such is the case with Baker. Birthed for the sole intention to hunt rabbits, this sweet boy failed miserably at his job. Baker was taught to alert his handler, but he had no interest in retrieving the prey. He is more interested in experiencing a home-life and with you is right where he wants to be.
Understanding the Beagle breed is very important to a successful union. Baker deserves love and a true commitment. Just as those beautiful veggies in the garden are nurtured and valued, might you see the value in Baker’s life, too?
Call 234-706-5501 to adopt. Pets are fully vetted, spay/neutered. Pay It Forward for Pets is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to 751 Delaware Ave., Akron, OH 44303. Visit us at
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